A Day of Being

How do you be in your day? This is a question I pose instead of what do you do in your day. The results of your day may be the same in terms of what you get done. Yet you are a different person at the end of the day.

A day of being does not mean you ignore responsibility or let everything go. Instead it is a change of conscious awareness that you choose.

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Jenn Shallvey
Listening for Meaning


How often do you truly listen to what others speak and say? Just for purposes of this post consider anytime you are in a conversation with another you are listening when you are not talking. Sounds self explanatory yet so often it is not done.

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Jenn Shallvey
Wisdom of Endings and Beginnings - A Reflection Practice

Shared from the recent newsletter - a reflection practice.

Life is about flow, movement and change.

As human beings we are not static inanimate figures. We are dynamic self directing agents of our world. The power we have within us to be is innate from the time we are born. Our journey is about learning who we are and expand more fully every day into our fullest potential.

Don’t believe me? Ask a few others that you know and I bet you will get some great corroborating evidence. Wonder out loud or in writing why they consider you amazing.

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Care and communication

It’s ok. Right now the world may not seem ok. Yet it’s ok. How can I be so certain that it is ok. Because you are reading this right now. The very fact that you are able to read this right now means that the basic aspects of our world are functioning. You have connection to others. You can send and receive communication.

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Jenn Shallvey
What does knowing really mean?

What does knowing really mean? How would you define knowing? Let’s consider the possibility of a definition created from where we are at in the world now. Then when we understand such a piece of information we can better understand the contrasting perspective of not knowing.

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Jenn Shallvey
You Are Amazing! - A Reflection Practice

Shared from the recent newsletter - a reflection practice.

Dear beautiful wonderful amazing reader of this writing. Yes. You. So I don’t know all of you. Have not seen most of you in person in a bit of a while. Yet you know what? You are amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Don’t believe me? Ask a few others that you know and I bet you will get some great corroborating evidence. Wonder out loud or in writing why they consider you amazing.

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Starting with knowing

What happens when somebody asks you if you know something? Do you say something or I do not know?

Think for a moment of all the variety of questions that might come to you about what you know. It is not just whether you know fact, information, data, verifiable evidence. Knowing is more than knowing information.

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Jenn Shallvey