Posts in Relationships
Mean it when you ask RUOK?

Today is RUOK day. If you don’t know what this means then say the letters out loud. It is a simple question not asked often enough.  The fact that there is a day dedicated to this reminder says a lot. Our society is in such a state that we forget to ask the simplest of questions “Are you ok?” and mean it.  Of course the key message is to not just ask this question on one day but all throughout the year whenever you feel it seems appropriate.

For me it is more about being sincere and authentic when you ask how someone is doing. It is such a common greeting that we often don’t listen for the response. How often do you meet someone and ask without really thinking about the person’s day. It is likely that you share the words as part of a conversation but not the feeling inside of really wanting to know.  We have someone where to go, thoughts on our mind,  our our own worries and concerns or the task at hand as distraction.

When we ask someone how he/she is doing many secretly don’t want to know. Many of us don’t want to go into a conversation that isn’t upbeat, superficial and trivial. Many of us are too afraid to hold a real conversation and truly listen to another person.

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Fairies need farmers

Many years ago I used to visit a clairvoyant on a regular basis to get my tarot cards read to me.  This lady came with high recommendations and reputable referrals from some coworkers.  At the time I had full appreciation and respect for the reader’s gifts as her insight was so profoundly accurate and insightful.

I would visit this lady like anyone would see a coach or a counselor. In fact I explained our regular six monthly sessions as my spiritual counseling.  I would gain much from the thoughts and ideas she unveiled and allowed me to consider. Never did she forebode nor portend doom or gloom. No, there may have been challenges or other issues in my way to address, but nothing predictive. Instead we explored many facets of my life journey at that time.  We focused surprisingly on the present and the way that I traveled my life path.  I share below an interesting comment she made to me once. 

Living the dreamer’s life

First let me set some context.  For years I have always lived the idealist’s life, dreaming of the next possibility, thinking way in the future.  The upside to this way of seeing the world is that I am forever inspired, inventive, idea oriented and creative in my approaches.  The cost and challenge of this life is that I have had and still do sometimes avoid or absent-mindedly deal with the reality of practical life situations.  Even so I still managed to develop skillfully the outer ability to be organized and practical.

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Degrees of closeness

I recently decided to get into the online networking experience. I chose to use Linked In (as you can see) and I am sure Facebook isn't too far away.

Previously I tried online groups at friends' requests but got cynical about it being a 'people collector' in virtual space with meaningless comments posted for the sake of it.

For some this may still be the case.

Now I see differently and find the whole experience amazing.

Why? This site surely must be just a bunch of people putting their resumes online, right?

No it is more than that if you look with an open mind at the amazing power of the content and potential connection available.

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I am just sharing the joy that it is Friday.

Friday is my favourite day / night of the week. What I do with this day has evolved over the years.

When I...

...started working as a professional out of university, Friday was the one night of the week I never worked.

...managed teams of people, Friday was the night I never expected my team to work.

...was young and single, Friday was about hanging out in pubs or bars with workmates and friends after a long week.

...I got married, Friday was about having some quality couple time.

...had kids, Friday was about being with the kids and not having any homework.

...I think about Friday's they seem to be about connecting with others and finding time to be with people that sustain you whether coworkers, partner or family.

So when is it my day. Every day.

I make time every day for me so that I can be present with the people I enjoy being with.

Let's go there...


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