I write because I love to write. I have something to say. For many years though this voice remained silent, restrained and contained in a myriad of diaries, notebooks and computer journal entries. I have boxes and boxes of writing reflecting the stop and start meanderings of my heart, mind and soul.
Back in June 2008 I courageously (to me at least) created this blog and made my first post "Be a dreamer who's down to earth" . It was a momentous occasion, even though no one celebrated except me. Up until then I did not know how to get my words out of me for others to benefit. I also felt a sense of ‘who am I to be a writer?” But I am a writer, at least a closet writer trying to open the door to author in this lifetime.
A celebration party for one
I still remember opening the door. After a bit of editing and reviewing I pushed the publish button. At that moment a surge of energy exploded inside of me. I jumped out of my chair, yelled something and put both my hands in the air.