Being Thankful - A Reflection Practice
Shared from the recent newsletter - a reflection practice.
As we come to a close of what for many has been a challenging year I offer you a reflection practice. This one is somewhat tied into the fact that we are ending one year and starting another. What I feel we need more than ever in our lives is to feel the blessings, gratitude and positive aspects of life. The more we can hold the energy of what is working and supporting us in our life the more we can buffer forces that may seem to not.
Over time many times what we consider to be challenges later become blessings in disguise as they say.
The practice for this month is to say thank you. Thank you to yourself, thank you to all who serve you, thank you to people you know and do not know. It is about acknowledging with genuine appreciation the giving of others.
Now here's the catch. It does not have to be done with the others. It can be in your reflection, meditation, prayers, contemplation, journal writing. Whatever works for you.
Then if and when inspired go to another level and actually express the thanks in your own unique way.
The key to this reflection is twofold. Firstly it is not about ticking the box and just doing the exercise. It is about really feeling and meaning it. Secondly less is more. It is not about quantity either. You may have a powerful few or you many have many. What matters is the thankfulness.
What will happen over your time of reflection - whether a day, week or the whole month - is you begin to form a habit of acknowledging yourself and others. What a powerful way to start the world and do a bit to make a difference.
Thank you for reading!