Hiding from me

© Jenn Shallvey

© Jenn Shallvey

I hide because I am afraid.

I am afraid because I don’t want to be seen.

I don’t want to be seen because people might judge me.

I perceive that people might judge me because I judge me.

I judge me because I made mistakes and failed.

I made mistakes and failed because when you get close to the sun it burns.

I got close to the sun too many times and chose to step back.

I chose to step back because I was not ready.

I was not ready because my mind would not let me be ready.

I lived in my head of not ready because everyone else around me did.

I listened to everyone else and not my heart.

I did not listen to my heart because when I did it took me forward.

I went forward when I was inspired.

I was inspired when I connected to something bigger than me.

I connected to something bigger than me because this world is about more than me.

I see the world as more than me because I am a part of it not it.

I am part of the bigger world and I want to serve it in my own way.

I do serve in my own way yet I hide.

I hide and thus do not serve.

I do not serve when I hide only in my head.

I am in my head and in my heart, I am not one nor the other.

I am not one nor the other because I am whole.

I am whole because I am a human being of this world.

I am a human being of this world because this is the life I choose.

I choose this life so I can live this life.

I live this life so I can learn.

I learn so I can be.

I can be me.

Me for we.

Me and we.


Jenn Shallvey