The time is now (poem from December issue of Being Real)

I recently sent out my December issue of the Being Real newsletter. In it I included a writing gift of sorts, a poem.  I would like to share this piece with you and the inspiration behind the piece as an excerpt from the newsletter:

You will probably find this amusing, yet I get inspired in all sorts of ways. I recently attended the U2 concert in Sydney. I am a huge fan going back to the early days as a high school kid in the early '80s.  So though I have attended my fair share of concerts this was the first one that really hit me. Perhaps it's my middle age. Perhaps it's my perception of what is happening in the world right now. Perhaps it's just that I listened just as much as I danced and sang that night. I heard a message, a powerful message. It was summed up in one question from Bono, "What time is it now?"  So following from that night of muscially induced inspiration I wrote these words for me as if I was looking in the mirror. I then saw that I could say them to you as well. I share them with you first.  If you are inspired by the words feel free to share with others (just acknowledge my authorship thank you).

© Jenn Shallvey 
The time is now

I close my eyes, and I make a wish.

I wish for the world to be a better place.

I feel this wish in my heart. I feel it in my soul.

There is no turning back, only going forward.

I want to go forward.

I want to see the world anew, afresh, alive.

Is it possible?

Is it?

Are you ready? Can you step up?

I say so.

For it is time. The time is now to step up.

It is not just time for others but time for you.

Time for you to take responsibility.

Time for you to care.

Time for you to do your part.

To make this a better world for all.




Jenn Shallvey